Wood Type card (closed)
Wood Type card (closed)

A 36-line wood type card/object congratulating Sandra & Harry Reese upon being awarded the Oscar Lewis Award by the Book Club of California, 30 March 2015. 

Wood Type card (open)
Wood Type card (open)
Broadside for Ben Kinmont Bookseller
Broadside for Ben Kinmont Bookseller

Printed letterpress, March 28, 2015. 16 x 20.75 inches.

Modern Antique 26
Modern Antique 26

Cast 6 fonts of this old typeface for a client in Canada
from mats that are probably 80–90 years old. April 2, 2015. Additional fonts available from our store.

Modern Antique 26
Modern Antique 26

Mats & type

Local Boy Does Good
Local Boy Does Good

My friend and client, Ben Kinmont was featured in the Northern California independent tabloid Bohemian. Congratulations, Ben.

L A Type & Rule
L A Type & Rule

My friend Eric Johnson of Iota Press came upon these labels on some unopened fonts (8pt. Times New Roman Semi-Bold) from 1949. Los Angeles Type And Rule Company was my favorite place as a teenage printer. All my allowance money went to them.

 Monotype Quad and Space mold. I acquired this mold years ago but never used it. It is for casting spaces from 5 to 12 point. What makes it unique is it has a pin mark for identifying the size on the side of each space. It would be useful for le

Monotype Quad and Space mold. I acquired this mold years ago but never used it. It is for casting spaces from 5 to 12 point. What makes it unique is it has a pin mark for identifying the size on the side of each space. It would be useful for less experienced printers in identifying odd sizes like 11 point to avoid improper distribution. 

 First casting on 24 June, 2015 .with the Quad and Space mold. The size (12pt.) shown on the side. Pretty cool, eh? 

First casting on 24 June, 2015 .with the Quad and Space mold. The size (12pt.) shown on the side. Pretty cool, eh? 

 Out with the old, in with the new. Recycling is alive and well at Patrick Reagh Printers. The ancient cauldron, some old type, a propane tank, and voilà! New ingots ready to be turned into beautiful new type. It goes without saying that this beautif

Out with the old, in with the new. Recycling is alive and well at Patrick Reagh Printers. The ancient cauldron, some old type, a propane tank, and voilà! New ingots ready to be turned into beautiful new type. It goes without saying that this beautiful new type is available from our store.

Hermann Zapf 1918–2015
Hermann Zapf 1918–2015

A prized possession. Inscribed copy of Hermann Zapf-Ein Arbeitsbericht (work report). While in San Francisco for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration in 2001, the master graciously and beautifully signed my copy of his book. An old package of Optima italic caps from Stempel is another treasured artifact related to the great type designer.

 A keepsake for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration. Designed by Kathleen Burch and printed by yours truly. Rest in peace, Hermann.

A keepsake for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration. Designed by Kathleen Burch and printed by yours truly. Rest in peace, Hermann.

Trading Eights
Trading Eights

Title page and frontispiece for a new book from Nawakum Press and Mixolydian Editions. The title page printing and monotype composition were done at the shop and the blocks and text were printed by Richard Wagener.

Dave Johnston
Dave Johnston

The family, friends, and letterpress community suffered a devastating loss with the sudden death of Dave Johnston. He, along with Mark Sarigianis, operated the Prototype Press. A large gathering attended a memorial on Friday, 9 October at Cragmont park in the Berkeley Hills. We will always cherish your memory, Dave.

36 point Perpetua Titling
36 point Perpetua Titling

Our latest casting from some newly discovered mats from the depths of our collection. Fonts are available from the store.


Printed for the Roxburgh Club annual Printers' Gala. December 15, 2015. A registration nightmare.

Bookplates January 6, 2016
Bookplates January 6, 2016

Newly printed bookplates for the Clark Library. The small book-
plate is 15/16ths of an inch square.

Open by Chance or Appointment
Open by Chance or Appointment

An account of Ben Kinmont's store in Sebastopol where he conducted business until the Spring of 2016. The title is from the sign on the door. Chances were that there was usually someone on the premises.

 The interior of Ben's bookshop

The interior of Ben's bookshop

Janson Display Type
Janson Display Type

A colleague recently lent me the matrices for 24, 30 & 36 point Janson roman and italic. The Press now has a complete supply from 8–36 point. 

Just off the press
Just off the press

Antinomian Press Bibliography. Printed 21 February 2016. Another printed-pattern-paper-covered booklet for Ben Kinmont.   Alliterations abound.

House Call. June 10, 2016
House Call. June 10, 2016

Dave & Beth Seat


travel the country servicing hot metal equipment. 

A day's work in my shop, and they gave the machines a new lease on life.

They are a national treasure.

The Sea Fogs
The Sea Fogs

Detail from the title page of The Sea Fogs by Robert Louis Stevenson. A limited-edition published by David Pascoe of the Nawakum Press. 

24pt. Goudy Cursive
24pt. Goudy Cursive

Still life with type, matrices and proof. Six fonts were cast on September 8, 2016 and sold out within 8 hours. A second casting is underway. Fred would be proud.

Palimpsest for David
Palimpsest for David

Many-proofed sheet for David Pascoe from type cast for several Nawakum Press publications. September, 2016.

Flight Borders
Flight Borders

An invitation using the Flight Borders. Fonts of Flight Borders are available at the Store.

Flight Borders
Flight Borders

Another example of the fabulous possibilities of using the Flight Borders. Included here is the type used to print the frame. Flight Borders are available at the Store..

Наш первый клиент в России
Наш первый клиент в России

This is a picture of Konstantin Lukjanov, our first type purchaser from Russia. Behind him is the The Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow. It will be interesting to see how he plans on using Ehrhardt. His work can be viewed at maga-book.ru. Stay warm, Konstantin.

Beautiful new book from St. Brigid Press
Beautiful new book from St. Brigid Press

We were pleased to be informed that the St. Brigid Press of Emily Hancock utilized our Goudy Old Style in her latest publication.

Love Letters
Love Letters

A spread from the St. Brigid Abecedarium. 

The Latest Family Member
The Latest Family Member

In April, 2017, we went to Munich, Germany to meet my four-month-old grand-daughter, Emmie. It was cold, but mother (my daughter, Eleanor), and daughter were all cozy and bundled up.

The Mayrhofers of München
The Mayrhofers of München

Eleanor, Armin and Emmie taking a stroll on Zeppelinstrasse. (Blimp Street?)

Patrick Goosens - Baker and World-Class Collector
Patrick Goosens - Baker and World-Class Collector

After going to Munich and Brugges, we went to Antwerp on 5 May, 2017 to visit the Plantin-Moretus Museum and see my friend Patrick Goosens. His collection of old presses and printing and typecasting equipment is beyond belief. I would have liked to have spent a month there. He also manages his family's venerable bakery, the oldest in Antwerp.

Cristoph Plantin
Cristoph Plantin

Along with Gutenberg and Aldus Manutius, 
one of the most consequential printers in history. This sculpture is in the Plantin-Moretus museum in Antwerp.

They're on the Case!
They're on the Case!

The wall of the reading annex of the Plantin-Moretus museum. Needless to say it mimics a typecase.

A Moment of Reverence
A Moment of Reverence

Examining and caressing original punches and matrices for a font of large Garamond, probably about 48 point. I was doing my best to not drool.

Father William
Father William

A wonderful handset version of the classic poem from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Printed by Lawrence Peterson of Nine-eighteen-thousandths Press. The text is set in 12 point Cochin purchased from our foundry. Well done, Lawrence.

Letterform Archive Bold Extended
Letterform Archive Bold Extended

A keepsake printed for the Letterform Archive's soirée (16 June 2017) announcing its new addition. The contest mentioned was won by Bruce Kennett who is also the author of a major new book about W A Dwiggins.

Letterform Archive Keepsake
Letterform Archive Keepsake

The form for the red type.

The Nawakum Press
The Nawakum Press

The terrible Sonoma County fires of October 2017 claimed the home of David and Patricia Pascoe. The inventory of their Nawakum Press was also lost. We were fortunate to have participated in the printing of many Nawakum books. This is a sad affair, but the Pascoes are sturdy people, and we know that they will be back in the swing of things in no time at all. Our hearts go out to them and all the people in our part of the world who suffered a similar fate. 

12 point Jenson or "Golden"
12 point Jenson or "Golden"

Some long-forgotten matrices of 12 pt. Monotype Jenson #58 were recently discovered and cast into fonts. A copy of William Morris’s Golden typeface by Thomas Phinney.. Cast on May 11 & 12, 2018.

14 Uhlen Rundgotisch
14 Uhlen Rundgotisch

Finally got the Supercaster to cast 14 point. First effort, September 5, 2018.

DingPats are Hatched on 14 December 2018
DingPats are Hatched on 14 December 2018

A new milestone in the history of type founding. More than 200 12 point dingbat mats were cast and packaged into groups of 81 to a box.


New casting of 14 pt. Walbaum, Italic and Medium. Matrices were from the Monotype printing office and are in mint condition.

Walbaum ready to be shipped.
Walbaum ready to be shipped.

DingPats© were such an international sensation, they needed a nation. Twenty seven different forever stamps (forever worthless for mailing). They show just a few possible typographic combinations.

The Typeface Formerly Known as Sans Serif
The Typeface Formerly Known as Sans Serif

It was Kabel all along until Lanston Monotype abducted it. We cast some 12 & 18 point fonts in September, 2020. Sold out immediately.

These will be BIG!
These will be BIG!

Coming soon to an eager world.

Jumbo Jets Have landed
Jumbo Jets Have landed

Bespoke 18pt. Flight Borders. Ed Rayher of Swamp Press engraved the matrices. Go big, or go home, eh?

Jumbo Jet carry-ons.
Jumbo Jet carry-ons.

A DingPat-sized box of 36 Jumbo Jets.

Rescued from Oblivion
Rescued from Oblivion

Some rusty old mat cases were restored and the one on the left was put to work

12 point Kabel (Sans Serif) Extra Bold
12 point Kabel (Sans Serif) Extra Bold

A proof of the type cast from the restored matrices. A testament to the resilience of Monotype technology. The mats are probably 80+ years old.

Yipes! Stripes!
Yipes! Stripes!

Cast and fonted some 6 & 12 point rule from recently discovered Elrod molds. February, 2022.

Yipes! Squirts!
Yipes! Squirts!

Extending the stroke on the 12-point mold made it a bit over-heated.

Periodic Table of Ornaments
Periodic Table of Ornaments

A big, heavy form of 18 point ornaments for a broadside printed 3 September 2022

Periodic Table of Ornaments
Periodic Table of Ornaments

A new broadsheet with 45 fonts of ornaments and dingbats.

A “Book/Birthday card” for my friend and fellow book club member Steve Osborn.
A “Book/Birthday card” for my friend and fellow book club member Steve Osborn.

A Recent diversion from the Press. April 2023.

Keepsake for Hamilton Wayzgoose, November 3–5, 2023
Keepsake for Hamilton Wayzgoose, November 3–5, 2023

Three pieces of wood type, and the longest line of metal type I ever set: 150 picas.

A new vision is about to descend  on the letterpress world. August, 2024. Be on the lookout🧐
A new vision is about to descend on the letterpress world. August, 2024. Be on the lookout🧐
The optometrist is in.
The optometrist is in.
The Great Gillasses Launch, October 8, 2024
The Great Gillasses Launch, October 8, 2024

After my speech to the Colophon Club, I introduced Gillasses ©️ to a grateful and worshipful audience. Mirth & Jollity prevailed.

Wood Type card (closed)
Wood Type card (open)
Broadside for Ben Kinmont Bookseller
Modern Antique 26
Modern Antique 26
Local Boy Does Good
L A Type & Rule
 Monotype Quad and Space mold. I acquired this mold years ago but never used it. It is for casting spaces from 5 to 12 point. What makes it unique is it has a pin mark for identifying the size on the side of each space. It would be useful for le
 First casting on 24 June, 2015 .with the Quad and Space mold. The size (12pt.) shown on the side. Pretty cool, eh? 
 Out with the old, in with the new. Recycling is alive and well at Patrick Reagh Printers. The ancient cauldron, some old type, a propane tank, and voilà! New ingots ready to be turned into beautiful new type. It goes without saying that this beautif
Hermann Zapf 1918–2015
 A keepsake for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration. Designed by Kathleen Burch and printed by yours truly. Rest in peace, Hermann.
Trading Eights
Dave Johnston
36 point Perpetua Titling
Bookplates January 6, 2016
Open by Chance or Appointment
 The interior of Ben's bookshop
Janson Display Type
Just off the press
House Call. June 10, 2016
The Sea Fogs
24pt. Goudy Cursive
Palimpsest for David
Flight Borders
Flight Borders
Наш первый клиент в России
Beautiful new book from St. Brigid Press
Love Letters
The Latest Family Member
The Mayrhofers of München
Patrick Goosens - Baker and World-Class Collector
Cristoph Plantin
They're on the Case!
A Moment of Reverence
Father William
Letterform Archive Bold Extended
Letterform Archive Keepsake
The Nawakum Press
12 point Jenson or "Golden"
14 Uhlen Rundgotisch
DingPats are Hatched on 14 December 2018
Walbaum ready to be shipped.
The Typeface Formerly Known as Sans Serif
These will be BIG!
Jumbo Jets Have landed
Jumbo Jet carry-ons.
Rescued from Oblivion
12 point Kabel (Sans Serif) Extra Bold
Yipes! Stripes!
Yipes! Squirts!
Periodic Table of Ornaments
Periodic Table of Ornaments
A “Book/Birthday card” for my friend and fellow book club member Steve Osborn.
Keepsake for Hamilton Wayzgoose, November 3–5, 2023
A new vision is about to descend  on the letterpress world. August, 2024. Be on the lookout🧐
The optometrist is in.
The Great Gillasses Launch, October 8, 2024
Wood Type card (closed)

A 36-line wood type card/object congratulating Sandra & Harry Reese upon being awarded the Oscar Lewis Award by the Book Club of California, 30 March 2015. 

Wood Type card (open)
Broadside for Ben Kinmont Bookseller

Printed letterpress, March 28, 2015. 16 x 20.75 inches.

Modern Antique 26

Cast 6 fonts of this old typeface for a client in Canada
from mats that are probably 80–90 years old. April 2, 2015. Additional fonts available from our store.

Modern Antique 26

Mats & type

Local Boy Does Good

My friend and client, Ben Kinmont was featured in the Northern California independent tabloid Bohemian. Congratulations, Ben.

L A Type & Rule

My friend Eric Johnson of Iota Press came upon these labels on some unopened fonts (8pt. Times New Roman Semi-Bold) from 1949. Los Angeles Type And Rule Company was my favorite place as a teenage printer. All my allowance money went to them.

Monotype Quad and Space mold. I acquired this mold years ago but never used it. It is for casting spaces from 5 to 12 point. What makes it unique is it has a pin mark for identifying the size on the side of each space. It would be useful for less experienced printers in identifying odd sizes like 11 point to avoid improper distribution. 

First casting on 24 June, 2015 .with the Quad and Space mold. The size (12pt.) shown on the side. Pretty cool, eh? 

Out with the old, in with the new. Recycling is alive and well at Patrick Reagh Printers. The ancient cauldron, some old type, a propane tank, and voilà! New ingots ready to be turned into beautiful new type. It goes without saying that this beautiful new type is available from our store.

Hermann Zapf 1918–2015

A prized possession. Inscribed copy of Hermann Zapf-Ein Arbeitsbericht (work report). While in San Francisco for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration in 2001, the master graciously and beautifully signed my copy of his book. An old package of Optima italic caps from Stempel is another treasured artifact related to the great type designer.

A keepsake for the Hermann & Gudrun Zapf Day celebration. Designed by Kathleen Burch and printed by yours truly. Rest in peace, Hermann.

Trading Eights

Title page and frontispiece for a new book from Nawakum Press and Mixolydian Editions. The title page printing and monotype composition were done at the shop and the blocks and text were printed by Richard Wagener.

Dave Johnston

The family, friends, and letterpress community suffered a devastating loss with the sudden death of Dave Johnston. He, along with Mark Sarigianis, operated the Prototype Press. A large gathering attended a memorial on Friday, 9 October at Cragmont park in the Berkeley Hills. We will always cherish your memory, Dave.

36 point Perpetua Titling

Our latest casting from some newly discovered mats from the depths of our collection. Fonts are available from the store.


Printed for the Roxburgh Club annual Printers' Gala. December 15, 2015. A registration nightmare.

Bookplates January 6, 2016

Newly printed bookplates for the Clark Library. The small book-
plate is 15/16ths of an inch square.

Open by Chance or Appointment

An account of Ben Kinmont's store in Sebastopol where he conducted business until the Spring of 2016. The title is from the sign on the door. Chances were that there was usually someone on the premises.

The interior of Ben's bookshop

Janson Display Type

A colleague recently lent me the matrices for 24, 30 & 36 point Janson roman and italic. The Press now has a complete supply from 8–36 point. 

Just off the press

Antinomian Press Bibliography. Printed 21 February 2016. Another printed-pattern-paper-covered booklet for Ben Kinmont.   Alliterations abound.

House Call. June 10, 2016

Dave & Beth Seat


travel the country servicing hot metal equipment. 

A day's work in my shop, and they gave the machines a new lease on life.

They are a national treasure.

The Sea Fogs

Detail from the title page of The Sea Fogs by Robert Louis Stevenson. A limited-edition published by David Pascoe of the Nawakum Press. 

24pt. Goudy Cursive

Still life with type, matrices and proof. Six fonts were cast on September 8, 2016 and sold out within 8 hours. A second casting is underway. Fred would be proud.

Palimpsest for David

Many-proofed sheet for David Pascoe from type cast for several Nawakum Press publications. September, 2016.

Flight Borders

An invitation using the Flight Borders. Fonts of Flight Borders are available at the Store.

Flight Borders

Another example of the fabulous possibilities of using the Flight Borders. Included here is the type used to print the frame. Flight Borders are available at the Store..

Наш первый клиент в России

This is a picture of Konstantin Lukjanov, our first type purchaser from Russia. Behind him is the The Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow. It will be interesting to see how he plans on using Ehrhardt. His work can be viewed at maga-book.ru. Stay warm, Konstantin.

Beautiful new book from St. Brigid Press

We were pleased to be informed that the St. Brigid Press of Emily Hancock utilized our Goudy Old Style in her latest publication.

Love Letters

A spread from the St. Brigid Abecedarium. 

The Latest Family Member

In April, 2017, we went to Munich, Germany to meet my four-month-old grand-daughter, Emmie. It was cold, but mother (my daughter, Eleanor), and daughter were all cozy and bundled up.

The Mayrhofers of München

Eleanor, Armin and Emmie taking a stroll on Zeppelinstrasse. (Blimp Street?)

Patrick Goosens - Baker and World-Class Collector

After going to Munich and Brugges, we went to Antwerp on 5 May, 2017 to visit the Plantin-Moretus Museum and see my friend Patrick Goosens. His collection of old presses and printing and typecasting equipment is beyond belief. I would have liked to have spent a month there. He also manages his family's venerable bakery, the oldest in Antwerp.

Cristoph Plantin

Along with Gutenberg and Aldus Manutius, 
one of the most consequential printers in history. This sculpture is in the Plantin-Moretus museum in Antwerp.

They're on the Case!

The wall of the reading annex of the Plantin-Moretus museum. Needless to say it mimics a typecase.

A Moment of Reverence

Examining and caressing original punches and matrices for a font of large Garamond, probably about 48 point. I was doing my best to not drool.

Father William

A wonderful handset version of the classic poem from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Printed by Lawrence Peterson of Nine-eighteen-thousandths Press. The text is set in 12 point Cochin purchased from our foundry. Well done, Lawrence.

Letterform Archive Bold Extended

A keepsake printed for the Letterform Archive's soirée (16 June 2017) announcing its new addition. The contest mentioned was won by Bruce Kennett who is also the author of a major new book about W A Dwiggins.

Letterform Archive Keepsake

The form for the red type.

The Nawakum Press

The terrible Sonoma County fires of October 2017 claimed the home of David and Patricia Pascoe. The inventory of their Nawakum Press was also lost. We were fortunate to have participated in the printing of many Nawakum books. This is a sad affair, but the Pascoes are sturdy people, and we know that they will be back in the swing of things in no time at all. Our hearts go out to them and all the people in our part of the world who suffered a similar fate. 

12 point Jenson or "Golden"

Some long-forgotten matrices of 12 pt. Monotype Jenson #58 were recently discovered and cast into fonts. A copy of William Morris’s Golden typeface by Thomas Phinney.. Cast on May 11 & 12, 2018.

14 Uhlen Rundgotisch

Finally got the Supercaster to cast 14 point. First effort, September 5, 2018.

DingPats are Hatched on 14 December 2018

A new milestone in the history of type founding. More than 200 12 point dingbat mats were cast and packaged into groups of 81 to a box.


New casting of 14 pt. Walbaum, Italic and Medium. Matrices were from the Monotype printing office and are in mint condition.

Walbaum ready to be shipped.

DingPats© were such an international sensation, they needed a nation. Twenty seven different forever stamps (forever worthless for mailing). They show just a few possible typographic combinations.

The Typeface Formerly Known as Sans Serif

It was Kabel all along until Lanston Monotype abducted it. We cast some 12 & 18 point fonts in September, 2020. Sold out immediately.

These will be BIG!

Coming soon to an eager world.

Jumbo Jets Have landed

Bespoke 18pt. Flight Borders. Ed Rayher of Swamp Press engraved the matrices. Go big, or go home, eh?

Jumbo Jet carry-ons.

A DingPat-sized box of 36 Jumbo Jets.

Rescued from Oblivion

Some rusty old mat cases were restored and the one on the left was put to work

12 point Kabel (Sans Serif) Extra Bold

A proof of the type cast from the restored matrices. A testament to the resilience of Monotype technology. The mats are probably 80+ years old.

Yipes! Stripes!

Cast and fonted some 6 & 12 point rule from recently discovered Elrod molds. February, 2022.

Yipes! Squirts!

Extending the stroke on the 12-point mold made it a bit over-heated.

Periodic Table of Ornaments

A big, heavy form of 18 point ornaments for a broadside printed 3 September 2022

Periodic Table of Ornaments

A new broadsheet with 45 fonts of ornaments and dingbats.

A “Book/Birthday card” for my friend and fellow book club member Steve Osborn.

A Recent diversion from the Press. April 2023.

Keepsake for Hamilton Wayzgoose, November 3–5, 2023

Three pieces of wood type, and the longest line of metal type I ever set: 150 picas.

A new vision is about to descend on the letterpress world. August, 2024. Be on the lookout🧐
The optometrist is in.
The Great Gillasses Launch, October 8, 2024

After my speech to the Colophon Club, I introduced Gillasses ©️ to a grateful and worshipful audience. Mirth & Jollity prevailed.

show thumbnails