Books from Patrick Reagh Printers
A two-volume magical book by Ricky Jay with illustrations by various artists.
Binding by Craig Jensen of Book Lab II. Published by the Whitney Museum in 1994.
Edouard Roditi with etchings by José Hernández. Ettan Press. 1980
A poem by Alan Loney. Designed by Jason Dewinetz and published by Nawakum Press.
A poem by Alan Loney with woodcuts by Richard Wagener. Published in 2014 by Nawakum Press A video about the production can be seen here.
Stephen Tabor and Tyrus Harmsen. The Press of Patrick Reagh, 2005. Deluxe edition with original Plantin Press ephemera
Deluxe binding clamshell box bound by Bonnie Thompson Norman of the Windowpane Press.
Title page to special edition. Slipcase with original Plantin Press ephemera.
Binding and slipcase of special edition.